80.000 Euro für die Tafeln / 80,000 euros for the food banks

Der Krieg in der Ukraine und die allgemeine Preissteigerung stellen die Tafeln vor große Herausforderungen. Um die Versorgung bedürftiger Menschen zu unterstützen, spendet die Wintershall Dea Stiftung für Demokratie und Vielfalt 80.000 Euro als Soforthilfe an mehrere Tafeln in Deutschland, die auch viele Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine versorgen. Jeweils 20.000 Euro sind für die Kasseler Tafel, die Hamburger Tafel und für den Dachverband Tafel Deutschland vorgesehen. Für vier Tafeln an den deutschen Standorten Emlichheim, Barnstorf, im Landkreis Verden sowie im Kreis Dithmarschen sind je 5.000 Euro eingeplant. „Konkret möchten wir dringend notwendige Ausgaben für Infrastruktur und Logistik wie Küchengeräte, Fahrzeuge und Kraftstoffe ermöglichen. Gleichzeitig danken wir den vielen ehrenamtlichen Helfer:innen, die die herausfordernde Arbeit der Tafeln in diesen schwierigen Zeiten aufrecht erhalten“, so Stiftungsvorstand Michael Sasse.
The war in Ukraine and the general increase in prices pose great challenges for food banks. To support the provision of food for people in need, the Wintershall Dea Foundation for Democracy and Diversity is donating 80,000 euros as emergency aid to food banks in Germany, which also serve many refugees from Ukraine. 20,000 euros each have been earmarked for the food banks in Kassel and Hamburg and for the umbrella organization Tafel Deutschland. Another four food banks at the production sites Emlichheim, Barnstorf, in the district of Verden and in the district of Dithmarschen, will receive 5,000 euros each. In addition, the foundation donates 20,000 euros to the. "We want to enable urgently needed expenses for infrastructure and logistics such as kitchen equipment, vehicles and fuel. Also, we would like to thank the many volunteers who keep up the challenging work of the food banks in these difficult times," says Michael Sasse, Chairman of the Foundation.
Foto/Photo: Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images
The war in Ukraine and the general increase in prices pose great challenges for food banks. To support the provision of food for people in need, the Wintershall Dea Foundation for Democracy and Diversity is donating 80,000 euros as emergency aid to food banks in Germany, which also serve many refugees from Ukraine. 20,000 euros each have been earmarked for the food banks in Kassel and Hamburg and for the umbrella organization Tafel Deutschland. Another four food banks at the production sites Emlichheim, Barnstorf, in the district of Verden and in the district of Dithmarschen, will receive 5,000 euros each. In addition, the foundation donates 20,000 euros to the. "We want to enable urgently needed expenses for infrastructure and logistics such as kitchen equipment, vehicles and fuel. Also, we would like to thank the many volunteers who keep up the challenging work of the food banks in these difficult times," says Michael Sasse, Chairman of the Foundation.
Foto/Photo: Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images